Get More Things Done by Drinking Lots of Tea

Jill Metcalfe
4 min readFeb 20, 2021

Your tea-drinking habit is your secret superpower.

A floral teaset with teapot, milk jug, cup and saucer.
Photo by Soyoung Han on Unsplash

The Two-Minute Rule was popularised by David Allen in his bestselling book Getting Things Done. It’s very simple: if a thing will take you less than two minutes, you should do it immediately.

It’s an easy way to clear away some physical and mental clutter with minimum effort, but it makes the biggest difference when it becomes a habit.

That’s where the tea comes in.

The time it takes for the kettle to boil, plus the time it takes for the tea to steep (or brew, or mash) gives you a perfect two- to five-minute time slot in which to Get Things Done.

You can use the time to knock out some household chores such as emptying the dishwasher or putting a load of washing on. You could put a couple of things away. You could even clean a window.

Given that you’re probably in the kitchen at this point, it might be a good time to plan a meal, check what’s in the fridge and add a few things to your shopping list.

Soak a packet of beans. Take something out of the freezer for later. Marinate some chicken. Make bread.

The more tea you drink, the more of these opportunities you’ll create.

I’ve heard of this. It’s called a…



Jill Metcalfe

Notion maximalist and note-taker. Overthinking and under-executing since 1991.